Friday, March 28, 2014

Get Lost..

It was my first writing in the early years. Writing is a lonely working based on a mood, a things that comes randomly without expectation. And when it comes to you, your words raced along your mind and sometimes it’s hard to stop, it just like love that comes suddenly and you can’t reject it.

It just like a mood to write that appears unexpectedly, love comes without a chance to choose with whom you fall in love, it just like a cloudy days and suddenly comes the sun brighter your day. Or it is like a rainy day and the rainbow comes slightly move over the rain. And when it comes to you, you can’t lie to yourself that you have a brighter face and lighter eyes. Ibnu Atha’illah Al-Iskandari in his famous sufism book called Al-Hikam say’s “what was hidden in your deepest heart will appears in your physical appearance”. And I’m agree, if its not have impact to your appearance it is not love, I don’t know why because maybe love is feeling and it cant be describe rationally.

And if you ask me what I’m feeling now, just read my paragraph below….
And suddenly I get lost …
My soul is lost in you…..